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Are you tired of hosting a boring fundraising events? Do your guests always leave after dinner is over? Our tables help entertain your guests throughout the evening When your guests stay longer they are more than likely to increase beverage sales, donate  at auctions and come back year after year.

In past experience, organizations have done the following: The client will charge a door fee of $XXX and give each person $100 in fun money and one raffle ticket If a player wants more fun money then they donate into the organization and receive more of fun money plus another raffle ticket. At the end of the evening you raffle off the tickets for door prizes.

Prizes are not allowed to be based on table winnings. These games are meant to keep your guests entertained during your event. Organizations raise money by enter fees, beverage sales, live/silent auctions, wine pools and selling raffle tickets.



(We do not take legal responsibility in the way you handle the donations for these events. Please check your local gaming laws for rules and regulations)

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